Portret Jana Zygmuntowskiego | Portrait of Jan Zygmuntowski

Jan Zygmuntowski

Polish Network of Economy

Economist studying the fields of development, economic systems, innovation theory and digital economy.
Chairman of the board at Instrat thinktank, where he also leads the digital economy research programme, and lecturer at Kozminski University. His previous experience includes work at the Polish Development Fund, among others. He advises and supports tech projects with a positive social impact. Graduate of SGH Warsaw School of Economics, G20 Global Solutions Fellow, British Council and Møller Institute FLC Fellow. Author of "Kapitalizm sieci" (Network capitalism).

Zdjęcie Laury Grudniewskiej | Photo of Laura Grudniewska
Zdjęcie członków kolektywu Noviki | Photo of members of the Noviki collective