Portret Agnieszki Pokrywki | Portrait of Agnieszka Pokrywka

Agnieszka Pokrywka

With an academic background in animated film and physics, Agnieszka Pokrywka works hybridly with video, graphic design, and collaborative practices in order to build eclectic narratives. Through interactive and non-linear strategies she re-tells stories that capture diverse viewpoints, making the invisible visible. Natural sciences, technology, and decentralized organiszing are particularly close to her heart. She collaborates with computers, bacteria, and humans.


Portret Iza Szostak | Iza Szostak portrait
Zdjęcie członków kolektywu Memorymorph - Małgorzaty Łuczyny i Jacka Złoczowskiego | Photo of members of the Memorymorph collective - Małgorzata Łuczyna and Jacek Złoczowski