Elementy identyfikacji wizualnej autorstwa Jakuba Wróblewskiego | Visual Identification elements made by Jakub Wróblewski
Monday October 19 18:00 - 18:30

The Past and Future of Cyberpunk – a conversation with Mike Pondsmith

For 30 years now, Mike Pondsmith has been continuously imagining the future by developing subsequent versions of the Cyberpunk RPG system. The first edition came out at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, while the newest release is 2019’s Cyberpunk Red. Pondsmith’s system is also the basis for the Cyberpunk 2077 video game, which is currently in development.

At the Digital Cultures festival, he will explain how his vision has evolved along with the changes in the real world, where technologies born of science fiction stories have surprisingly quickly integrated into everyday life. He will also reflect on the extent to which our world today is already a materialisation of the cyberpunk vision from the 1990s.

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