Zbliżenie na oczy głównej bohaterki - Luizy. | Close-up on the eyes of the main character - Luisa.
Friday October 23 from 20:00, finish 25.10.2020 19:59
Polish English
Film programme
Human Non Human

"Where Are You, Louise?", dir. Janusz Kubik

An extremely nervous man calls a radio station claiming that he’s had an encounter with aliens from another planet. Who is the mysterious Louise, how come did a spaceship land on Earth, should we fear the aliens? A master display of trick photography and one of the most interesting opening captions in Polish cinematography.

Tomasz Kolankiewicz

The film will be available online at Ninateka for 48 hours, between October 23, 8.00 pm and October 25, 7.59 pm.
Film will be available worldwide, except South and North Americas.

Production: Poland, 1964
Duration: 30 min

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